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Souita Falls

Updated Mon 10 Oct 2022


Souita Falls flowing over rocks into small ravine, shrouded by dense rainforest

Image source: We Seek Travel

Souita Falls is a lesser-known gem tucked away in the heights of Far North Queensland’s Atherton Tabletops. Souita is actually a duo of waterfalls set about 70 metres apart, making for a nice breezy stroll from fall to fall. Seeing the best of Souita won’t chew up too much of your time, so to make the most of your visit we recommend seeing them in tandem with Millaa Millaa Falls and Windin Falls.

The falls run all year but, like most of Far North Queensland’s stunning waterfalls, are best seen after the rainy season. Being off the beaten track, Souita is super secluded and serene, with pools shaded by a thick foliage of lush rainforest canopy.

Long, aerial shot of man standing on Souita Falls viewing platform, surrounded by thick lush rainforest

Image source: World of Waterfalls

Visitors will be able to access both falls from the one 220 metre track. At about 150 metres in you’ll stumble upon an elevated platform that provides a stunning view over the top of the first waterfall; listen to the gurgle of the cool, running waters drop off out of sight into a mini-ravine.

The second waterfall is another 70 metres in where the rainforest foliage grows denser and more enchanting. This is truly a slice of paradise, you’ll find yourself wondering why more people don’t venture out here, at the same time cherishing the solitude.

Given the relative obscurity of Souita Falls with most of the flow blocked from sight there is a chance of spotting a wild platypus, so keeping the noise down as you make your way is recommended.


Weathered signs pointing to Souita Falls, surrounded by dense rainforest

Image source: World of Waterfalls

Souita Falls is about 111 kilometres south-east of Cairns; that’s roughly 1 hour and 40 minutes. To make the trip worthwhile, we recommend taking the Gilles Road Range which passes by Millaa Millaa and Windin.

As this is such a secreted little Far North Queensland gem, there is no public transport or tours coming out this way, so a car is required. Checkout East Coast Tours for great deals on campervan hires.


Long exposure shot of Souita Falls running over rocks, edged by lush rainforest foliage

Image source: World of Waterfalls

Please heed the warning signs at entry and along the track. Queensland is prone to torrential rains during its wet season (summer) which can drastically impact walking tracks and water levels, as well as churn up underwater debris like rocks, branches and trees. 

Always wade out into the water you plan on jumping into first to check for depth, rocks, branches and other underwater debris. However, we stand with the signage at Souita Falls and advise against any unsafe activities.

Discover more waterfall day trips and be sure to chat with our friendly team about planning your trip to beautiful Far North Queensland.

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